Saturday, December 1, 2012

So much stress, so little time.

  First of all, I would like to point out that I'm honestly surprised by the fact that I have "time" to sit down and write this.

I've been so busy lately. SOOO busy. I just have to tell, something. 

I've had lots of school to do every weekday, due to the fact that its nearing the end of the semester, and all that jazz. Essays to write, speeches to give, so on and so forth. 
Yesterday was the last day of our Homeschool Co-op(WOOHOO!), so I had a speech to give there as well. In addition to choir songs being tweaked, and music comp homework turned in. This coming Tuesday night is the concert for that, and that tuesday morning there's a rehearsal for it, too. 
I've had to work all weekend every weekend for the past month, so that alone makes my weekends feel squished. 
I've had piano to practice; more than usual, anyway. I'm playing several songs for a wedding this coming weekend, and the rehearsal dinner is on Friday night, with the wedding on Saturday. 
I've had SAT preps in addition to school every day, so that's also fun.
I'm in the children's play at church (they asked me.. I didn't even have to audition! O:), so those "rehearsals" are on Saturday mornings, in addition to Sunday nights. (The performance is a week from tomorrow.)
I've had the formal to prepare for; Dress-check. Shoes-uncheck. Date(s)-check. 
                                                    Paid for?-THANKTHELORD check.
I teach guitar lessons, one on Monday one on Wednesday. They're both improving, thus I have to keep updating their "curriculum"! Which is wonderful, don't misunderstand me, its just takes more time!
This Friday, there's a Christmas party I'm supposed to go to, but seeing as though I technically have 3 places to be at that exact time, it might be rather difficult.
I have friends to keep happy. I love them all dearly, honest I do. 
I lead the youth band for our church, and we have practice every Thursday night, and we "perform" every Sunday night, in addition to the extra practice time we have directly before playing.
I'm doing a lot of college/scholarship research, seeing as though I'm a senior. I've also spent a lot of my free time( time..) looking up the pro's and cons for joining the military. I'm by no means rich, and although I love working at Chickfila, its not going to pay for my tuition. If I joined (say the Marines), they would cover at least half my college tuition, which would be amazing. (Joining the Marines would definitely be my first choice, although I've been comparing the benefits of that, and both the Air Force and Navy. I'll keep you updated.) (: 

On top of all that, my phone gave up the ghost. So I've been price checking/doing my research on what phone would be the best option right now. On my phone plan, my next upgrade would be in July. And I'm sorry, but my life can't do without a phone for 7 months. Oh, and since I'm too early for an upgrade, I have to pay full retail price for a new phone. Yay.

So, my schedule for this next week.
Sunday- Church, family time, possible phone pricing, band practice, youth group, childrens play rehearsal. Home.
Monday- School, guitar lesson, Mani/Pedi w/ the best friend for Prom/her birthday, Home for research!
Tuesday- Concert rehearsal in the morning, school/happy birthday celebration for said-best-friend in the afternoon, and the concert in the evening. Plus a Bible Study (45minutes away) after that.
Wednesday- School, errands to run, guitar to teach, and a movie to go to with my family in the evening.
Thursday- School, getting ready for Formal with friends, and then Formal in the evening!(Technically, I'm scheduled to work that night too...still have to find someone to take my shift.)
Friday- School, errands, work from 5 till 8:30, wedding rehearsal @ 5:30, Christmas party @ 5:30. Heh. -.-
Saturday- Childrens play rehearsal in the morning, work from 10-4, wedding at 4:30, reception FOR the wedding after that, then I'm helping my friend (who I'm going to the wedding with) set up her church for their Christmas play.
Sunday- Church, family time, more church(no youth band that night--thankyouJesus), and the children's Christmas play! 

SO yeah. There's that. 

Oh, and on a 'girl-thing' related side note, I just found out that the guy I like has a girlfriend. Yay for emotional stress. 

I hope your week isn't as stressful as mine is about to become, and I hope you have an amazing Sunday! 
