Hello, blog-readers extraordinaire! I was doing so well, keeping up with my weekly posts, and then I had to go and fail you. At least we can all agree that I fail like a BOSS. Oh, yes. I just said, "like a boss". So 2010? Why, yes. Yes, I am.
So I'm taking Algebra this year in COLLEGE. (This is where you say, "Woot woot!") The less impressive sounding part of that being that it is MATH 023, which is the next-to-lowest level Algebra that Ivy Tech offers. But do I let that spoil my superiority? No, sir, I do not!
The thing of it is, I kind of fail epically at math. Or, I did from about sixth grade onward, which is probably the reason why I never did much with math in high school. I was okay with failing that most evil of subjects. However, I am determined to SUCCEED in math this semester. With the goal of a high B in mind, I spent a pretty fair amount of time watching Khan Academy videos on Algebra last week in preparation for my first test, which was last night. Something like two hours worth of videos.
The upside of that? I may have gotten two questions wrong on my test. Yeah, just two. That would be a really, really big upside. :)
The downside? I kind of got sucked into Khan's badge system, which rewards its users for the time they spend watching videos and working math problems, so I ended up watching all the videos that pertain to chapter 2 of my math course. I now know and am even fairly proficient in pretty much everything that will be taught in the class for the next two weeks. And I actually want more. I'm actually becoming interested in math. I even kind of like it.
How is that a downside? ... Well, I like to hold myself to low standards when it comes to anything that I am uncomfortable with or afraid of. But, I hold myself to high standards when it comes to things I enjoy. And I'm getting to a point in my life where I can actually enjoy an academic challenge. So, math may be becoming something that I actually want to put a lot of effort into! Let me repeat that; that I WANT to put effort into! Grrr.
And the sad thing is that my "downside" isn't even really a downside. I may actually be able to do well in math now. So, yeah. I'm pretty excited about the rest of the semester, now. And I get my test score back on Sunday! So, I'll let you know next week how it went!
Keep on smiling, everybody! :)
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