Monday, January 9, 2012

Heather: PinkFlamingos.

Do you know something?
I like music.
I like music A LOT.
Like, I literally can't go 10 minutes in silence.. I'll either turn on the radio, put in a CD, or start humming something. Once I heard that 'music is what feelings sound like', and that makes perfect sense to me.

Do you agree? Think about it for a second. It makes perfect sense.. but then it doesn't.
So as one of my best friends likes to say: "It makes sense if you don't think about it." ...think about THAT one for a bit. ;)

But really. Could we live without music? I know that's kind of a weird question, and most people would answer: "Pshh, duh." BUT, birds sing. Water makes that cool sound when it hits against rocks(and you've gotta except that as some kind of music..), and wind certainly has a melody it follows.  So my statement for the day is, if God didn't make music, HOW THE HECK COULD WE STAY SANE?!?! Juuuust sayin'.

So yeah!

...I'm sure at one point in this blog post you thought: "whatintheworld does the title have to do with this topic?"...The truth is, it doesn't. Learn to love my creative mind. ;)

Don't spray paint your poodles, and remember to smile. :)

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